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Anale UAIC, Tomul LXVIII, Ştiinţe Juridice, FOSIDHUS 2021

    : Ioan-Dumitru Apachiței: Peculiarities of the forensic investigation in the case of crimes against national security
    : Olga Cataraga, Piotr Petcovici, Victoria Prisăcaru: Diagnostic problems in graphic expertise
    : Ion Covalciuc: Subjects involved in the administration of evidence in criminal proceedings – risks and opportunities
    : Vasile Drobotă, Lucian Lipan Grosu: Fundamental ideas and specific features of identification by handwiting analysis
    : Ancuța-Elena Franț: Forensic architecture: A new dimension in Forensics
    : Irina Iacub: Assessment of the deficiencies of the justice act: case study
    : Vitalie Jitariuc: The role and importance of special investigation measures in documentation, research and discovery of crimes of human trafficking
    : Marius Cosmin Macovei, Rareş Vasile Voroneanu Popa, David Alexandru Pădurariu, Diana Zămosteanu: Forensics Expertise ...
    : Oleg Pantea: Assertive communication with detainees – a fundamental right or an obligation of the authorities?
    : Narcisa-Roxana Rotaru: Trace blood sampling techniques. General aspects
    : Vitalie Rusu, Natalia Janu: Some methodological particulars regarding the investigation of insolvency offences
    : Vitalie Rusu, Andrei Nastas: Conceptual approaches to the tactics of interrogation of persons making intentionally false statement
    : Maria-Raluca Sotir: Some theoretical aspects regarding the search
    : Aura Ţabără, Costel Gîtlan: Forms of cyberbullying among young people. Directions of investigation
    : Andreea Luciana Urzică: A plea for bias awareness in processing and interpretation of evidence provided by witnesses. Psychology on the stand
    : Djulieta Vasiloi: Some particularities of the forensic methods used in relation to the crime victim
    : Vasile Ioan Vidrighin, George Cătălin Grosu: Tactics of hearing the minor injured person in the case of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity before the court – theoretical and practical aspects
    : Tatiana Vizdoagă, Lucia Rusu: The tactics of the defense lawyer’s participation in the evidentiary proceedings
    : Tatiana Vizdoagă, Lucia Rusu: Defense tactics in the system of forensics
    : Anale UAIC, Tomul LXVIII, SSJ, FOSIDHUS 2022
    Faculty of Law

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