DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-19
Abstract: The activity of the defense lawyer in the criminal process is directly related to the principle of ensuring the person's right to defense. However, this principle makes it possible to combat unjustified allegations advanced by the investigating authorities, to present evidence in order to prove the innocence of the defendant and to obtain a proper mitigation of liability for the deed committed. Ensuring the right of the accused or the defendant to the defense consists, first of all, in obtaining a timely and qualified legal assistance, which can be ensured by the participation of the defense in criminal cases. The defendant can exercise his right to defense if he knows, to a full extent, the content and character of the accusation brought against him. The law not only proclaims the person's right to defense, but also obliges the representatives of the law enforcement bodies to ensure the exercise of this right. The defendant's right to defense contributes not only to the protection of his legitimate interests, but is also directed towards the proper performance of the characteristic tasks of criminal justice. The evolution of legal practice and science convincingly demonstrates that the adversarial proceedings are the only correct way to establish the truth. However, at present, the adversarial principle occupies a key position in the criminal proceedings, by virtue of which there is an urgent need for research in the field of tactical features of the activity of the parties to the defense and prosecution. In the content of this study, a modest attempt was made to expose and analyze the activity of the defense lawyer in the criminal trial from the positions of achievements and performances of forensic tactics.
Keywords: forensics, tactics, procedure, defense, accusation, defense attorney, criminal prosecution, right to defense, justice, truth, adversarial principle, suspect, accused, defendant, criminal trial, rights and freedoms, innocence, protection, trial, evidentiary items, evidence, criminal case, procedural functions
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