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Irina Iacub: Assessment of the deficiencies of the justice act: case study

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-6

Abstract: The study focuses on a detailed analysis of a civil case based on court orders (merits and appeals) in order to assess the quality of the act performed. The aim is to argue that the quality of the act of justice depends on the manner in which the admission or rejection of the action by the judge is carried out and argued, the correct identification of the law and its effective application in resolving the dispute, while respecting the law and the right to a fair trial of litigants, the manner of conducting judicial review and the correction of judicial errors.

Keywords: justice, act of justice, court, court of first instance, court of appeal, quality of the act of justice, shortcomings of the act of justice, patient, plaintiff, medical institution, defendant


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