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Vasile Ioan Vidrighin, George Cătălin Grosu: Tactics of hearing the minor injured person in the case of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity before the court – theoretical and practical aspects

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-17

Abstract: The article Tactics of hearing the minor injured person in the case of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity before the court ‑ theoretical and practical aspects aims to analyze the stages of hearing the minor injured person in a case where crimes against sexual freedom and integrity are judged, presenting the questions prior to the hearing, the purpose of the hearing, the disposition of the hearing, legal assistance, establishing the place and time of the hearing, the presence of the psychologist, the preparation of the magistrate, the drawing up of the listening plan, the prior preparation of the injured person, conducting the actual hearing of the injured person, the types of questions asked, the analysis of the judge's behavior, establishing the framework where the hearing takes place and the participation of the people called to assist in this activity. Undoubtedly, the hearing of the minor injured person before the court in the case of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity is clearly demarcated from the other hearings, presenting a series of peculiarities, which are presented throughout the material. Starting from the topic of the conference, namely Forensics ‑ an important landmark in the search for the truth, we appreciate that Forensic Tactics as a component of Forensics provides the necessary means to find out the truth, to the extent that all the necessary resources are known and used to obtain complete statements from the persons interviewed according to the rules of criminal procedure and the rules of forensic tactics.

Keywords: hearing tactics, minor injured person, court, crime, sexual freedom and integrity


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