romanian english

Anale UAIC, Tomul LXVIII, Ştiinţe Juridice, Nr. I

Abstract: Significantly in recent years, we all have felt the interference in our privacy from corporations that provide access to social networks to the general public and yet we continue to use their online means of networking and communication without revolting. Instead, another approach can be seen when the interference with privacy comes from state authorities. Over time, technical supervision has become an evidentiary procedure increasingly used by the judiciary authority due to the speed and discretion with which they can gather evidence in a criminal case. Of course, procedures and fundamental human rights impose certain standards that protect us from the abuses of those who have the power to supervise us, intercept conversations, break into our computer systems, or track our location. But what if these very procedures allow for abuse? This article analyzes the regulations on technical supervision and the implications of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania no. 55/2020 in restricting the procedural framework of the use of evidence resulting from activities specific to the collection of information authorized by Law no. 51/1991 regarding the national security of Romania.

Keywords: technical supervision; private life; national security; human rights; interception


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