romanian english

Vasile Drobotă, Lucian Lipan Grosu: Fundamental ideas and specific features of identification by handwiting analysis

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-4

Abstract: The process of graphoscopic identification, although seemingly simple at the first glance, usually in particular situation encountered in practice is clearly one of the most difficult in the field of forensic sciences, primarily due to the paramount importance of the dynamics reflected by the graphical paths in analysis and interpretation of the complexity of traces („of a very certain specific” L. Ionescu) represented by handwriting. The paper systematizes and analyzes ideas, but also particular issues that focus on the scientific foundations of identifying the person by handwriting analysis (including the signatures as a variety of handwriting), given a number of specific essentials that are often not understood or which are superficially understood by people who are interested in the conclusions of a graphoscopic expertise.

Keywords: forensic examination of documents, handwriting, signatures, individualizing potential, specific interpretation, graphoscopic identification, autentification


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