romanian english

Narcisa-Roxana Rotaru: Trace blood sampling techniques. General aspects

DOI: 10.47743/jss-2022-68-4-10

Abstract: The article discusses the main aspects that a criminalist or a jurist must follow precisely in order to discover the whole factual scenario, to catch the perpetrator and to discover the judicial truth. That is why great importance is given to the discovery of blood traces, which in fact are a rich source of information in forensic research. But often, the perpetrator has a rich imagination, is creative and tries to hide and to destroy certain traces in order not to be identified. However, the perpetrators' attempts are often thwarted by the fact that there are a number of modern methods of collecting biological traces in general, including blood traces, methods that rely on the essential characteristics of biological samples to not be destroyed in totality. The article tries to highlight essential aspects of blood trace analysis and the importance of this type of analysis in forensics, but also in fields with which forensics is closely related, such as forensic medicine or criminal law.

Keywords: blood traces, sampling techniques, forensics, on‑site research


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