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Anale UAIC. SSJ, Tomul LXX, nr. III

    : Carmen Tamara Ungureanu:The Impact of CJEU Case Law on the National Rules of Alternative Tourism
    : Camelia-Maria Solomon:The relevance of seisin in the context of applying art. 412 para. (1) point 1 of the Civil Procedure Code regarding introducing one of the heirs into the trial. Is there an hierachy of the heirs?
    : Sebastian Antoce:The impact of the case Elite Taxi v Uber Spain (C 434/15) on the regulation of ride sharing services in the European Union: Case study Uber in Romania, Finland and the Czech Republic
    : Andreea-Iuliana Prisacariu:Aspects of taxing personal income from the exploitation of intellectual property rights through a permanent establishment
    : Andreea-Iuliana Prisacariu:The Influence of the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Taxation of Income Derived from the Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights
    : Carmen Lorena Vlăduț:The influence of European jurisprudence on national criminal law in the field of corruption
    : Diana-Mihaela Cheptene-Micu:Current jurisprudential aspects regarding the competence according to the quality of the person in criminal matters – liberal professions
    : Andrei Năstase:The influence of EcTHR jurisprudence on national legislation regarding the criminal protection of the authority
    : Bogdan Trofin, Alexandru Cristian Adochiței:The influence of european jurisprudence regarding criminal preventive measures
    : Oleg Apărece: Analysis of certain aspects of the legal criminal characteristics of the crime of incitement or facilitation of suicide resulting in attempted suicide provided for in article 150 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova
    : Andreea-Luciana Urzică, Andreea-Mădălina Aiftincăi:Psychological perspectives on effective prison. From retribution to rehabilitation in correctional settings
    : Irina Galan:The principle of protection of legitimate expectations. National tax case law
    : Bianca-Maria Rusu (căs. Despa Rusu), Elena-Laura Ionașcu (căs. Postolache):Mitior lex and the illusion of just interpretation of impacts on the financial interests of the European Union
    : Maria-Eliza Galan:Evidence in tax procedure. The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union
    : Sorin-Claude Modreanu:Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Enforcement of the Judgements of the ECHR
    : Anale UAIC, Tomul LXX, Științe juridice, III
    Faculty of Law

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