romanian english

Anale UAIC, Tome LXIII, Juridical Sciences, 2017, N. II

    : CARMEN TAMARA UNGUREANU, The Implications of the Internet in Legal Life
    : LENUŢA ALBOAIE, Interpreting the Privacy by Design Principles in the Cloud Computing Era
    : RUXANDRA RĂDUCANU, Brief considerations on the sanctioning of frauds ...
    : IOANA MARIA COSTEA, The invoice between original, duplicate and dematerialization
    : ADRIAN CRISTIAN MOISE, Some considerations regarding the offence of disrupting ...
    : CARMEN MOLDOVAN, Applying the principle of freedom of expression on the Internet ...
    : ANCUŢA ELENA FRANŢ, Forensic difficulties in investigating cybercrime
    : ANDA CRIȘU-CIOCÎNTĂ, Internet of Things. Legal perspective
    : MIHNEA VALENTIN STOICESCU, The protection of the employee’s private correspondence by criminal law means
    : Guaranteeing the right to education
    : CARMEN TAMARA UNGUREANU, Personal data protection in international contracts
    : SILVIA LUCIA CRISTEA, From the format paper bill of exchange to the eletronic bill of exchange ...
    : CODRIN MACOVEI, MIRELA CARMEN DOBRILĂ, Uber, service contract and time travel
    : VIOREL BĂNULESCU, The project act of merger. ...
    : ANDREEA VERTEȘ-OLTEANU, CODRUȚA GUZEI-MANGU, The right to be forgotten. ...
    : MIRCEA GEORGESCU, ROXANA IBĂNESCU, What is the relation between security, confidentiality and ...
    : MARIA DUMITRU, Civil liability for violation on the internet of the right to reputation of companies ...
    : ȘTEFAN RĂZVAN TATARU, Legal challenges of e-commerce with pharmaceuticals
    : IONELA-DIANA PĂTRAȘC-BĂLAN, Cloud Computing Contract
    : DESPINA-MARTHA ILUCĂ, Regulating Bitcoin. Legal aspects regarding the use of Bitcoin
    : ANDREEA ȘERBAN, The enactment of the right to be forgotten
    : Entire Volume
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