romanian english


Public Law. This section includes articles on constitutional law, administrative law, financial law, electoral law, environmental law, social insurance law.

Penal Law and criminal sciences. This section includes articles on criminal law, some general or special executive law, offenses under special laws, forensic criminology.

Private Law. This section includes articles on general civil party, people, real rights, obligations, contracts and successions, intellectual property, labor law, international trade law, international private law.

European and International Law. This section includes articles on topics as elements of European law or national law harmonization.

Reviews. This section includes reviews of scientific works on legal sciences.

Jurisprudence commentaries. This section includes commentaries on relevant national or international jurisprudence.


Faculty of Law

B-dul Carol I nr. 11, cod 700506, IAŞI
Secretariat full-time learning:
+40 232 201058
+40 232 201158
Fax: +40 232 201858
Secretariat distance learning:
+40 232 201272
Fax: +40 232 201872

Copyright Faculty of Law, IAŞI , 2025
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