romanian english

ANCUŢA ELENA FRANŢ, Forensic difficulties in investigating cybercrime

Abstract: The modern society carries out most of its activities using digital technology, which brings many benefits but, at the same time, creates the premises of specific crimes. Investigating such crimes requires the development of a special forensic methodology. This paper aims to identify ways in which such offenses can be discovered and how criminals can be identified, while highlighting the difficulties faced by investigators in investigating such antisocial facts. Difficulties may arise, for example, when offenders hide their IP address, use another IP address or assign a false identity. It is also important for investigators to comply with legal provisions regarding the right to privacy and to conduct computer searches only under the conditions provided by law. The study also aims to examine the preventive potential of internet information analysis, given that the internet facilitates communication between criminals and can provide clues about the preparation of criminal activities.

Key-words: internet, cybercrime, forensic science, crime prevention.

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