Summary: As it seems like in a forthcoming future, “The Internet of things” also called “Internet of Things” (IoT), will become a way of living for most of the people. In a nutshell, the Internet of things implies the connection of every device to the Internet and/or the connection of multiple devices among each other in order to be monitored and controlled from the distance. The fact that manufacturers focused on research with the purpose of discovering the most sophisticated modalities of exploiting thing connected to the Internet, as well as their rush to quickly obtain as much consistent profits as possible determines the level of security of these things to remain on a second plan. The low security of the things connected to the Internet will encourage the actions of those who are malicious and, finally, it will influence the criminality. In this paper, we propose to make a brief introduction of what stands for “The Internet of things”, and then to present a series of criminal law facts, which, once committed, could be relieved by intelligent devices connected to the Internet and controlled through a remote connection.
Key words: Internet of things, security, intelligent devices, challenges, criminality