romanian english

VIOREL BĂNULESCU, The project act of merger. ...

Abstract: Merger is a complex process whose effects can harm the creditors of the involved companies as well as third parties. The Companies Act provides for the publication of the merger project for a better understanding of the expected merger operations and, at the same time, the conditions for its completion. Thethe constituent act amended must be registered at the Trade Register in whose jurisdiction the acquiring company is headquartered. Then, the document endorsed by the empowered judge of the Trade Register shall be published in the Official Gazette, on paper or electronically, by publishing on the company's website or other sites (e.g. a professional association). This study will compare the two ways of realizing the publicity of the merger project, with a view to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Keywords:merger, the constituent act amended, merger project, online/electronic/digital publishing

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