romanian english

ANDREEA ȘERBAN, The enactment of the right to be forgotten

Abstract:The reiteration and the development of the right to erasure of personal data, known as the right to be forgotten, in the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, is not only the result of jurisprudential and doctrinaire controversies, but also of the path of the European legislator for creating a balance between the legitimate interest of Internet users, data controllers and respecting the rights of the data subject whose personal information is being processed. In order to analyse and understand this right, it is necessary to observe the advancement of technology, the data protection jurisprudence and the thin line between the concept of private life, unsupervised and uncontrolled online activity and a society that develops on the Internet.

Key-words: personal data, the right to be forgotten, the right to erasure, general data protection regulation

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