C. ZOTTA — Adjusting the social processes by means of law |
5 |
I. BENDITER — Some particularities of constitutional norms |
15 |
D. RADU — Regarding the legal nature and role of regulating the extinctive prescription in future lawmaking |
19 |
J. MANOLIU — On the new regulation of the circulation of agricultural land in private ownership |
25 |
GH. LUPU — Administrative acts as a source of civil liability |
31 |
R. SANILEVICI — The regime of renting private housing |
41 |
ŞT. RĂUSCHI — The current regulation of the contract for the mechanized execution of agricultural works, concluded by S.M.A with the cooperative agricultural units |
47 |
D. MACOVEI — The termination of employment if the unit moves to another locality |
53 |
M. DVORACEK — Legal norms regulating economic and social planning |
61 |
O. LOGHIN — Regarding the subject of the crimes of abuse of office against public interests and negligence in office |
67 |
N. ŢAŢOMIR — New aspects of the norms of international law |
71 |
P. OLCESCU — The evolution of the codification of international law |
79 |
C. ANDRONOVICI — Le rôle du Secrétaire Général de l’O.N.U. dans la solution pacifique des différends |
85 |
I. MACOVEI — Contacting the foreign partner |
91 |
II. Discussions |
M. JACOTĂ — Rereading Dimitrie Alexandresco |
97 |
G. VRABIE — Considerations regarding the delimitation of the concepts of legal norm and legal disposition |
102 |
FL. SAVA — Considerations on the housing rights of the persons belonging to a family |
107 |
III. Medallions |
GR. GR. THEODORU — The progressive social-political ideas of Ioan Tanoviceanu |
111 |
P. ANDREI — The progressive ideas in the works of Dimitrie Alexandresco |
119 |
IV. Reviews |
FR. JUENGER, Zum Wandel des Internationalen privatrechts, München, 1974 (M. Jacotă) |
123 |
Gh. BEITZKE — Familienrecht, ed. a 17-a, München, 1974, 244 p. (Gh Piticariu) |
127 |
Problems of the development of economic legislation (summary of studies published in soviet journals (R. Sanilevici, D. Radu). |
132 |