romanian english

Ionuț Alexandru Toader, Olga Andreea Urda: Theoretical and practical aspects of the role of domicile in ...

Abstract: Theoretical and practical aspects of the role of the domicile in determining the competence of the public notary and of the courts. The notion of domicile has multiple legal valences. From the protection of privacy, the right to identity to a number of procedural aspects, the domicile remains a significant landmark and attribute of the natural person. With our entry into the European Union, the domicile has taken on new meanings, especially in the context of the free movement of persons, which, in addition to the important rights they confer, are likely to create a number of controversies. In terms of establishing the jurisdiction of the notary public and of the courts, the domicile remains a significant milestone, one that can be appreciated as primordial in certain proceedings. In this paper we aim to address issues in regards of the domicile which have generated a number of controversies in terms of competence, especially in inheritance proceedings and applications for dissolution of marriage.

Key-words: domicile; competence; inheritance proceedings; applications for dissolution of marriage; public notary



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