romanian english

Aura-Elena AMIRONESEI: Case C-380/19: a Renewal of the Standards of the Information Obligation ...

Abstract: The Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-380/19 has set a new standard for the information obligation imposed on traders under Art. 13 of Directive 2013/11/UE. The current article intends to firstly analyze the reasoning of the Judgement and its general resonance for the Romanian law. After 5 years since the adoption of Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 which transposes the Directive, ADR procedures are mainly used in specific fields of activity, and the new dimension of the information obligation is likely to impact the content of contractual online and offline documents drafted by the traders that are using ADR procedures for dispute resolution.

Keywords: ADR; information obligation; alternative dispute resolution; traders; consumers; Directive 2013/11/UE

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