Abstract: The New Civil Code marks a change of vision compared to the previous Civil Code regarding the substitutio fideicomissaria by mitigating the existing interdiction in the meaning that even if as a rule it is still forbidden (being sanctioned with absolute nullity) by exception one admits that it becomes valid in the cases expressly provided by law (Articles 993-1000 of the New Civil Code). This article seeks to carry out an analysis of the institution of de eo quod supererit, by correlations with the regulation of substitutio fideicomissaria. Residual Liberality (Article 1001-1005 of the New Civil Code) is not a new institution for the Romanian civil law, because the New Civil Code expressly recognizes the validity of an institution that doctrine and practice have already accepted as valid, namely the legacy de residuo or de eo quod supererit.
Keywords: residual liberalities, legacy de residuo, de eo quod supererit,substitutio fideicomissaria,The New Romanian Civil Code, articles 993- 1000 of the New Romanian Civil Code, articles 1001-1005 of the New Romanian Civil Code