romanian english

Mirela Carmen DOBRILĂ: The historic development of regulations concerning the offence of deceit (I)

Abstract: This article focuses on a historic analysis of the development of efforts in the area  of  sanctions  for  offences  of  deceit,  emphasizing  the  importance  given throughout history to the protection of patrimony; the latter is further supported by the fact that legal regulations have always sought ways to sanction offences against patrimony, including the offence of deceit. The scope of this research is based on an analysis  of  the  manners  in  which  offences  of  deceit  have  been  sanctioned historically; the first part of this study, published in the current issue of the Journal, will deal with regulations for sanctioning offences of deceit in Roman law, as well as in Old Romanian law, supported by an outline of those legal regulations which contained entries on offences against patrimony, including offences of deceit. The second part of the study, to be published in the next issue of the Journal, will examine regulations concerning the offence of deceit in the 1864, 1936, and 1968 Criminal Codes, as well as certain aspects of Law 301/2004 (repealed), the modifications brought by Law 202/2010 that are relevant to the focus of our study, as well as a presentation of the framework for the offence of deceit as instated by the New Criminal Code

Keywords: the offence of deceit, historic development

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