V. NECULCE, I. HAGIU, L. COPTIL — The ninth Congress of the Romanian Communist Party, a highly significant event in the life of our Party and people |
I - XIV |
E. STERE — The problem of freedom in the Bergsonian philosophy |
1 – 7 |
P. BOTEZATU — The Aristotelian syllogism and its actuality |
9 – 22 |
I. NATANSOHN — The dialectical identity of historical materialism and Marxist sociology |
23 – 32 |
I. GRIGORAŞ — Problems of the specific of the moral freedom |
33 - 40 |
P. DUMITRESCU şi N. SIMION — A critique of the concept of culture in the philosophy of Lucian Blaga |
41 - 50 |
CORNELIA DIMITRIU — The role of universities |
51 - 64 |
A.COSMOV1CI — Individual differences in the thinking process |
65 - 83 |
ŞT. BÎRSĂNESCU — Romanians' latinity conscience in light of a valuable document |
85 - 91 |
S. GĂINA — With regard to the system of education methods |
93 - 96 |
I. ROMAN — The paths of the pedagogy development in the Socialist Republic of Romania |
97 - 106 |
AL. BĂRBAT şi A. CUCIUREANU - Statistical control of fibers' quality in the textile industry |
107 - 124 |
V. COSMA — The development of the energy base of our country to the world state of the art during the 1966-1970 period |
125 - 139 |
C. BOTEZ şi I. SAIZU — Pulp and paper mill Letea-Bacau over eight decades of economic activity |
141 - 171 |
E. PIPERNEA — The concept of sovereignty |
173 - 184 |
I. BENDITER — The control of the constitutionality of laws |
185 - 198 |
N. ŢAŢOMIR şi GH. BIBICESCU — Assistance and rescue in maritime law |
199 - 214 |
M. JACOTĂ — Observations on the law which governs family relationships of foreigners, which are formed in the Socialist Republic of Romania |
215 - 222 |
B. BRAUNSTEIN — Some problems of the subject of crime in the criminal law of the Socialist Republic of Romania |
223 - 230 |
PAUL DEMETRESCU — Nicolae Titulescu, professor and researcher of civil law |
231 - 235 |
JEAN PIAGET : Psychology of intelligence , Ed. ştiinţifică, Buc., 1965, 222 p. (C. Logofătu) |
237 - 238 |
RENE DEKKERS : Droit congolais ei droit romain. Points de contact. Elisabethville — B. P. 4873 Katanga, 55 p. (M. Jacotă) |
238 - 241 |
VALENTIN AL. GEORGESCU — Emption right in Romanian history. Protimisis right in Romanian Country and Moldova. Biblioteca istorică XII. Ed. Academiei Republicii Socialiste România. Bucureşti, 1965. (M. Jacotă) |
241 - 243 |