romanian english

UAIC Annals, Tome XI, s. III, 1965

ERNEST STERE — Some aspects of the idea of time in ancient philosophy

1 – 12

D. RUSU, M. TODOSIA, AL. TACU, P. MÎLCOMETE, N. DAVIDEANU, C. NlCOLICIOU — The economic development of Iasi region in the years of people’s power

13 – 28

IOAN BURDUJA — The role of investments in industrial development of the regions of Moldova in the years of socialist construction

29 - 42

C. NICOLICIOIU şi P. GEORGESCU — Some aspects of the improving the relations of division in agricultural production cooperatives

43 - 54

CORNELIA DIMITRIU — The individual study of students in the light of the new guidelines in psychology

55 - 62

STELA TEODORESCU— Pierre Janet's notion of personality

63 - 76

STELA TEODORESCU — Critical examination of Western psychological concepts regarding the dynamic of personality

77 - 84

I. STRĂCHINARU — The importance and place of the re-education pedagogy in the system of pedagogical sciences

85 - 98

ST. BÎRSĂNESCU, N. C. ENESCU şi EUGENIA BANCEA-RAICU — Physical education and its contribution to aesthetic education of students

99 - 108

C. ZOTTA and G. VRABIE — Some considerations on the object of the socialist legal relation

109 - 116

I. BENDITER —The nature of the deputy mandate and of the relations between the deputy and the constituency in the system of representative bodies of state power in the Socialist Republic of Romania

117 - 130

S. CIUREA şi GH. FIL1P — Some issues concerning the powers of communal councils and their executive committees in a cooperativized village

131 - 138

I. IAVORSCHI — The termination of the employment contract for employee's prolonged absence from work caused by loss of the ability to work

139 - 150

ŞTEFAN RAUSCHI — The right of inheritance in the personal household of cooperative farmers

151 - 158

R. SANILEVICI, D. RADU şi GH. PITlCARU — Nature and effects of legal nullity

159 - 167

B. BRAUNSTEIN — Some issues regarding the guilt in the criminal law of the Socialist Republic of Romania

169 - 176


EUGENIA BANCEA-RAICU şi N. C. ENESCU — Professor I. Bucovineanu

177 - 187

C. BOTEZ şi I. SAIZU — Contributions to the knowledge of the situation of the forestry industry in northern Moldavia during the economic crisis of 1929-1933

189 - 200


201 - 209

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