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Valeria Pîrlea: Multiaxial classification of tattoos: Its importance in forensic investigations


Abstract: This paper examines in detail an analysis of tattoos, creating, for this purpose, a multiaxial classification that can serve as a guide for the study and classification of tattoos in certain categories, since obtaining meaningful information about the identity of the tattoo wearer is possible only through decryption - which is the establishment of its semantic load. Tattoos, due to their persistence, are quick means of identification. Tattoos can be extremely useful inasmuch as they can serve as an integral part of eyewitness reports or can be recorded through photography or videography during the perpetration of a felony. Given that forensic science is a multidisciplinary subject, addressing this issue from several perspectives has been paramount for understanding tattooing, and demonstrating that the most reliable interpretations come from forensic, criminological and sociological sciences.

Keywords: Forensic Sciences; tattoos; the meaning and classification of tattoos


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