romanian english

Raluca Iuliana Diac: Influencing witness statements through psychological tactics


Abstract: If the place the witness testimony occupies in the criminal proceeding is a prevailing one, this is due to the very nature of the circumstances that have to be proved and not because this evidence would prove itself perfect in its final act. This paper aims to bring to the fore studies that have explained the psychological mechanisms that can affect the veracity of information reported by bona fide witnesses, whose desire to get involved in finding out the truth cannot be disputed. Taking into account the studies and experiments carried out over time, it is proven how a relatively simple and easy evidence from a procedural point of view, requires knowledge of both psychological and forensic fields, complementing each other. Moreover, the development of a collaboration in this regard would facilitate and harness the results in both directions: the investigative bodies will receive help in the process of managing such situations, and psychologists could receive data for the further research, by being able to observe "with their own eyes” which tactics need improvement and which aspects require more detailed analysis.

Keywords: forensic tactics, witness statements, psychological mechanisms, false memory syndrome.


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