romanian english

Marius-Cosmin Macovei, Rareș-Vasile Voroneanu Popa: Considerations on the implications of virtual currencies in the criminal sphere and ...


Abstract: This paper examines general issues regarding the implications of virtual currencies in the criminal sphere and ways approached by forensic experts in the investigation of economic and financial crimes committed with their help. Virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies are a complex phenomenon and have been constantly evolving for at least ten years, coinciding with the development of the set of methods, processes, operations performed or applied on materials and data called technology, which occupies a vital place in ,,the real world ”. Due to the unpredictable, speculative and underground nature, but also to the high degree of confidentiality of transactions, they have become an easy means of carrying out illicit activities, especially in the economic-financial field, for people in the field of organized crime. In this context, States are adapting to this way of committing crimes and are making sustained efforts to adopt and implement criminal policies to prevent and combat this phenomenon.

Keywords: forensics, cryptocurrencies, investigation, organized crime, economic, financial.


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