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Ivan Ungurean: The phenomenon of illicit enrichment: Forensic aspects


Abstract: This paper examines the phenomenon of illicit enrichment as an incidental crime and corruption, through the paradigm of the contour of the crime to the relevant categories of criminal activity, involving the us, expectations, and interests of a theoretical and practical development, as this phenomenon undermines the ethical values, democratic institutions, the judiciary and the rule of law, affecting the sustainable development of countries and the international community as a whole. The implications of this phenomenon in different areas, including economic and budgetary resources are complex as suggested by the multitude of studies in the international literature, but at the same time, we must understand the evolution over time of these trends. This trend is part of the international area of identifying, transforming and adapting forensic methods and procedures, systematically, with the understanding of the context that led it, aimed at creating legal instruments that are made available to the institutions responsible for the effective investigation of crimes of illicit enrichment. In-depth knowledge of the process of illicit enrichment typologies allows other criminalistic methods and procedures to be established in the future, as well as other areas vulnerable to easy infiltration of the respective scourge.

Keywords: Forensic science; illicit enrichment; crime research; forensic methods; forensic procedures.


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