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Ancuţa Elena Franţ: Technological Challenges in Creating Standards for Fingerprint Analysis


Abstract: It is widely known that the analysis of fingerprints is a method which can lead to the correct identification of a person. It is lesser known that the accuracy of this method is endangered, when it comes to using digital technology, in order to store and compare information regarding fingerprints. The use of digital technology in analysing fingerprints is very important, because it enables various activities which are vital for a criminal investigation, for example the comparison between a certain fingerprint, found at crime scene, with the fingerprints which are stored in databases. However, storing fingerprints in a digital form is not a simple task, as the information must be protected from potential threats. A simple way to protect the information regarding fingerprints is to encrypt the information, but this means that, when information is transferred, the receptor must have the appropriate key, in order to decrypt the information. This leads to the necessity of a standard algorithm, which must be used by both the sender and the receiver. This paper analyses the challenges of creating such a standard algorithm and assesses the implications of standardization in fingerprinting.

Keywords: fingerprint; standardization; criminal investigation; algorithm


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