Abstract: Current various manifestations and statements, coming either from simple individuals or from people holding official positions, spread very quickly around the globe and bring into discussion essential issues related to the exercise of freedom of expression and the possibility of interference on abusive speech that is excluded from the protection framework and internationally established standards. The aim of the paper is to explore the regulatory framework for the protection of freedom of expression in various systems and mechanisms established to guarantee fundamental rights (global and regional) and to emphasize the relative nature of this right. In this respect, both common features common of the legal instruments of protection and differences between the scope and special issues will be identified, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of a particular legal area. The purpose of the paper is not to provide a comprehensive analysis of the issues related to the implementation of the elements of freedom of expression, after which general lines and principles of protection and limitation are drawn.
Key-words: scope; principles of application; restrictions; jurisdiction
DOI: http://doi.org/10.47743/jss-2021-67-1-12
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