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Alina Mirabela Gentimir: Bona fide Migrants’ Cultural Rights

Abstract: In the general context of social transformations within the international community, the phenomenon of migration holds attention through the special impact it has on all members of the community, regardless of the nationality of those who interact at the social level. The premises of harmony between members of different national communities are represented by the cultural rights that are constantly exercised by them. Whether the right to education is taken into account, whether rights such as the right to participate in cultural life, the right to benefit from the advantages of scientific progress and its application, the right to the protection of moral and material interests resulting from one's own scientific creation are concerned, literary or artistic, the right to respect for the indispensable freedom of scientific research and artistic creation, the right to respect for the adequate standard of living, the authorities of the host states of migrants must ensure that they have the optimal conditions for effective exercise. 

Key-words: cultural rights; right to education; migrants; United Nations Organization



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