romanian english

Oana MUNTEANU: Electronic file ...

Abstract: Despite the fact that, for years, we have witnessed several attempts at the implementation of an electronic system that would provide access to lawyers and all justice stakeholders to documents in court files, it seems that the need to adapt to the new world pandemic context was the impulse that the system needed in order to accelerate the process. Previously, e-signatures, sending papers via electronic courier, and hearing testimonies via videoconferencing services, were regarded with reluctance. However, in the current context, these technologies provide a much-needed solution to the majority of administrative and procedural issues faced by the justice system. This article aims to analyse to what extent an extraordinary event can pave the way to a more facilitated, more modern and efficient judicial system. The collaboration between justice and technology, especially as far as IT is concerned, should become as natural as that between a judge and their clerk.

Key Words: e-file; justice; digitization; pandemic context.

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