Abstract: After the state of emergency was established on March 16, 2020, followed by the state of alert established on May 18, 2020 due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Romania experienced an extensive process of transformation and adaptation of the learning process in schools and universities. In addition to the medical challenges specific to the pandemic, there are legal challenges related to the learning process in schools, regarding the observance of the rights of those involved, which are analyzed in this article. Adapting to an on-line learning system involves, as an obligation, ensuring the right and access to education for pupils and students, and continuing the learning process; however, the forced transition to on-line learning and rapid adaptation (without good practice guidelines and clear guidelines) raises issues of actually ensuring the right to education, issues related to the use of on-line learning platforms that are not adapted to respect children's rights to education, private life, the right to own image, the right to dignity, issues related to the lack of legal education for teachers, parents and students specific to the on-line environment. The article analyzes the European-level concerns about (high-quality) education in the digital age and the digitization of the learning process, as well as the concerns about protecting children in the electronic environment.
Key words: on-line education process during the pandemic; transforming the learning process in schools and universities; juridical issues regarding on-line education; digital education at European level; the right to education of pupils and students, the right to privacy, the right to one's own image.