romanian english

ȘTEFAN RĂZVAN TATARU, Personal Data Protection In The Commercial Operations Of E-Pharmacies

Abstract: Personal data concerning health is included in the sensitive data category and its one of the most valuable personal data, considering the prejudice that might result from its illegal or unauthorized processing. In the context of the emergence and usage of online pharmacies for the purchase of pharmaceutical products, including prescription drugs, we aim to analyze the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on electronic commerce with medicine. In the first stage of this study, we intend to emphasize the legal requirements that must be ensured in order for an online pharmacy to be allowed to market products in the state of origin and in the EU internal market. In the final stage of this study, we are going to analyze the data that is processed by an e-pharmacy as the controller, the purposes and the legal basis underlying the processing and the transfer of such data to third parties.

Keywords: personal data protection, online pharmacy, e-commerce with medicine, pharmaceutical law.

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