romanian english

RADU POPA, Technical And Legal Deficiencies Of The State Registration Of Municipal Property ...

Abstract: The scientific work is intended for theoreticians and practitioners concerned with the cadastral registration process of the municipal non-residential premises. The major goal was to identify the shortcomings in this process and to propose solutions to overcome them. The methods used in the work were comparative, deductive, analysis. This scientific writing is devoted to a current and important issue concerning the management of municipal public patrimony. We started from the basic definitions of the paper. According to art. 4 of the Real Estate Cadastre Law no. 1543-XIII of 25.09.1998, the objects of registration are immovable property, property rights and other real rights over them. The category of immovable property registered in the real estate register includes: a) land; b) solid buildings and buildings; c) apartments and other isolated rooms. According to art. 288 par. (2) of the Civil Code, in the category of immovable property make the land, the subsoil, the separate aquatic objects, the rooted plantations, the buildings, the constructions and any other solid earthworks, as well as everything that naturally or artificially, is durably incorporated therein, that is, the goods whose movement is not possible without causing considerable damage to their destination. By law, other goods may be reported in the property category.

Keywords: electronic file, cadastre, specialized cadastre, registration, lease, public authority, decision, immovable goods, land, buildings, rooms, public property, market relations, inventory, administration, cadastral file, cadastral plan

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