romanian english

NICOLETA RODICA DOMINTE, Reflections On The Exceptions Of Copyright And Internet Users

Abstract: Since the first computer program created in the nineteenth century to the Internet era, the legal framework of copyright has been the subject of effervescent debates and changes to the legislation drafted around the idea of ​​strengthening the protection by harmonizing the interests of authors with the interest of the people captivated by the literary, artistic and scientific works. The Internet is the virtual space where the content of the works can be disseminated to the public by modifying the support that is attached to the work without “losing the joy of reading”, the meeting with the artwork. On the other hand, the Internet facilitates the transformation of an original work into a derivative work by a user, often without the consent of the authors. In the article, we will analyze the convergence between the limits of copyright and Internet users, in the context of the emergence of new normative provisions.

Keywords: copyright, user, exception, work of art

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Copyright Faculty of Law, IAŞI , 2025
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