romanian english

Maria Ioana MICHINICI: When there is (no) intermediate plurality of offences? - The specificity of the disposition provided in art. 44 (1) Penal Code (I)

 Abstract:  The article analyzes the normative content of art. 44 para. (1) Romanian Criminal Code - intermediate plurality of offences - aiming to offer an accurate measurement of the range of situations / cases that the legal text covers, insisting on aspects regarding the forms in which the institution of plurality of offences can manifest itself. Tangentially, there are also mentioned some aspects related to the sanctioning of the intermediate plurality of offences in the current Romanian Criminal law (the main aspects raised in regard to the criminal treatment applicable, in those situations, are to be analyzed in a separate, subsequent, article).       

Key words:  plurality of offences; intermediate plurality of offences; final conviction to a punishment which has not yet been entirely executed; the lack of meeting the conditions provided by law for the existence of the state of recidivism; individual offender; legal entity offender.

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