romanian english

Mirela Carmen IACOB: Theoretical and practical aspects regarding discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS

Abstract: HIV-positive youth face widespread discrimination that keeps many of them from attending school, obtaining necessary medical care, working or even learning about their medical condition. HIV-positive persons may be denied jobs arbitrarily because Romanian law provides mandatory medical testing for a wide variety of jobs. A small number of children living with HIV attend any form of school and those who do risk ostracism, abuse by teachers and other students and even expulsion if their HIV status becomes known. Breaches of confidentiality are common and rarely punished, despite the often severe consequences such breaches have for children and their families. The Romanian authorities rarely enforce laws prohibiting discrimination against people living with HIV. The info level and the society’s capacity of answering to the HIV/AIDS challenge in Romania must be improved through info and awareness campaigns in order to create a positive opinion flow for respecting the rights and the equality of treatment for persons living with HIV/AIDS and efforts must be made to eliminate the discriminative attitudes. 

Keywords: HIV-positive youth, discrimination, prohibiting law.

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