M. PETRESCU-DÎMBOVIŢA - Archaeological contributions to the issue of feudalisms’ beginnings in Moldova |
1-17 |
V. NEAMŢU - The uprising in Moldova in spring 1633 |
19-34 |
D. GAFITANU – Linguistic conception of Al. Lambrior |
35-52 |
A. ZACORDONEŢ – Confronting grammatical procedures of Russian and Romanian languages |
53-66 |
TH. SIMENSCHY - Sanskrit anthology of Coşbuc |
67-140 |
AL. DIMA - The concerns of Al. Russo on matters of literary language |
141-160 |
M. PLATON - G. Ibrăileanu about Russian literature classics |
161-178 |
DAN HĂULICA – Ibrăileanu fight against decadentism |
179-190 |
CONST. CIOPRAGA - Calistrat Hogaş - between classicism and his parody |
191-212 |
V. STOLERU – Satire’s goal in Gargantua et Pantagruel |
213-230 |
H. PERETZ – The struggle between progress and reaction in Thomas Mann's novel Zauberberg |
231-244 |
V. PAVELCU - Neuropsychological Balance in the educational process |
245-290 |
S. GĂINĂ - Child psychology in the light of dialectical materialism . |
291-298 |
A. COSMOVICI şi C. DIMITRIU - Control role in the formation of an independent work style |
299-316 |
I. VÎNTU - The role of the courts in ensuring the popular legality in the state administration of R.P.R. |
317-340 |
M. JACOTĂ - The system for resolving conflicts of law in contractual matters in private international law Romanian |
341-360 |
I. lAVORSCHI – Some problems concerning termination |
361-378 |
PAUL I. DEMETRESCU – Copyright |
379-394 |
P. ISTRATE - Construction pleonastic pronouns |
399-406 |
I.D. LĂUDAT - Teodor T. Burada ethnographer and folklorist |
407-414 |
L. ANDRONIC – Contributions to the history of county schools |
415-420 |
E.STERE – Contributions to seminar issues |
421-426 |
M. AVADANEI – From the history of the legal education in Moldova (commemorating the one hundred years since the establishment of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of Iași) |
427-431 |
Acad. Iorgu IORDAN - Romanian Place names in Romanian People's Republic, vol. I, Ed. Acad. R.P.R., 1952 (304 p.) (V. Amote) |
433-442 |
M.V. SERVIESCKI, Introduction to Romanic Linguistics, ed. II (Editura literaturii în limbi strliine) Moscova, 1954 (Şt. Cuciureanu and Hariton Vraciu) |
443-445 |
Grigore URECHE, Chronicle of Moldova, Edited, foreword, index and glossary by P. P. Panaitescu, B. S. P. I. A., București, 1955 (G. Istrate) |
446-451 |
Pisanti VITORE, Storia delle letterature anttcbe dell' India, 283 p.8, L200. Nouva Accademia. editrice; 1954 (Th. Simenschy) |
452-453 |
Notes on the last edition of the chronicle of Grigore Ureche (I. D. Lăudat) |
454-461 |
GRAMMAR STUDIES – vol. I, 1956, 215 p. Publishing House Acad. RPR (Șt. Giosu) |
462-467 |
ION MARIN SADOVEANU – End of the Century in Bucharest (I. Sirbu) |
468-471 |
472 |
COLLECTION "Critical small library" - (E. S. P. I.. A.) (Viorica Florea) |
473-476 |
Celebrations MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Y SAAVEDRA (Șt. Cuciureanu) |
477-488 |