romanian english

Ancuța Elena Franț: The role of multiple perspectives in forensic science


Abstract: Forensic science is a field in which, par excellence, information from multiple fields is combined, in order to get a picture as close as possible to the objective truth. These fields (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Informatics etc.) are, from the point of view of their object of study, far from the legal field, but they prove to be essential for the correct resolution of various criminal cases, (and not only criminal cases). When the analyses from different specialized fields, are correctly carried out, it is difficult to fight against their conclusions. But, always, the evidence must be corroborated, and the conclusion of an expert must be critically examined, regardless of the degree of specialization of the field and the reputation of the expert. In other words, in forensics it is absolutely necessary to have a plurality of perspectives, at least in a potential state, this idea also being expressed in the theory of forensic tactics. The reality confirms the fact that, despite some apparently indubitable first results, further research can disprove the initial hypotheses. Eloquent in this regard are the cases of Stallings and Fairchild, where thorough investigations in medicine, chemistry and biology led to the disproving of the initial conclusions, which seemed beyond any doubt.

Keywords: forensics, expertise, evaluation of the evidence, judicial error


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