romanian english

Crizantema Panainte: The right to weekly rest within the internationally established fundamental rights of employees


Abstract: The present study starts from the premises requiring the consecration of employees’ weekly rest, addressing the primary causes of its regulation and their evolution, passing then an examination of international instruments which enshrine it at the level of the International Labor Organization, Council of Europe or European Union. The comparative analysis of the points of congruence or divergence of the content of the right enshrined in the supranational legal sources also required the determination of the modalities of application in the intersection of their binding force. The perspective of researching the national regulation of the right to weekly rest focused primarily on the fundamental translation of international instruments in the interpretation of the provisions in force, without denying the need for further amendments to establish effective guarantees in the exercise of this fundamental social right. The study aimed to reflect appropriate solutions in relation to the current state of domestic law in the regulation of the right to weekly rest, emphasizing the need for compliance of domestic legislation with international resources, not only formally but especially in practice in order to give a measure of effectiveness of the law. The proposals of the future amendments cumulate the observations of the international forums regarding the application of the sources ratified by Romania, but also the relevant aspects of judicial practice in aria, often non-unitary and inconsistent.

Keywords: employee’s weekly rest, international standards, Romanian national law's compliance 


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