Abstract: Influencer marketing has recently become the best marketing strategy, widely embraced, from local professionals to multinational companies advertising and building brand awareness online. At the heart of influencer marketing is the influencer, an entity whose definition is composed of a grid of criteria it must meet rather than an immutable description. However, in this grid of criteria, no condition has crystallised as to the legal form of the influencer: could it be a natural person or must it be a legal person, is it of a liberal nature or could it be an employee? Besides this main actor, an entire influencer marketing industry has emerged, involving the participation of secondary characters. The heterogeneity of influencer marketing business models gives rise to legitimate questions such as: what types of legal entities, silhouettes shaped by fictions of law, can be found or even should exist, and what are the premises of the contractual relationships between them?
Keywords: influencer marketing, legal person, employment relationship, freelancer, online platforms
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