Abstract: The tenant farmer benefits from a modern pre-emption right regulated with the adoption of the Tenant Farming Law no. 16/1994, its object being the agricultural lands. The new Civil Code understood to extend this right over all leased agricultural goods (art. 1,849). Unfortunately, the legal regime of exercising this right was complicated by the entry into force of Law no. 17/2014 on some measures to regulate the sale of agricultural land located outside the built-up area […]. Along with this normative act we can state that the tenant farmer can benefit from three pre-emption rights: a conventional right possible to be exercised according to art. 1,730-1,740 Civil Code, a legal right possible to be exercised according to art. 1,730-1,739 Civil Code and another possible legal right to be exercised according to the provisions of Law no. 17/2014. Unfortunately, this last normative act did not clarify how the competition between these rights is resolved even in its latest amendments and completions. In this article we will try to find out if these rights can be exercised in competition or if there is a priority between them.
Keywords: tenant farmer, pre-emption, legal pre-emption, conventional pre-emption, agricultural land, agricultural goods
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