Abstract: The investigation of traffic accidents is carried out by the same bodies that have the task of gathering evidence regarding the existence of the crime, identifying the perpetrator and establishing his responsibility, in order to ascertain whether or not it is necessary to order the prosecution. The investigation of traffic accidents involves establishing elements or clarifying aspects than can serve to outline the legal nature of the event, to determine the criminal and civil liability of the person responsible for the accident, preventing future events of the same nature. The criminal investigation activity is carried out under of supervision of the prosecutor, who after completing the investigation, will proceed to verify the criminal investigation works, in order to rule on the legality and validity of obtaining, administering evidence and means of proof.
Keywords: identification of the driver of the vehicle, on-site investigation, forensic photography, braking trace, examination and interpretation of traces, disposition, performance and capitalization of forensic expertise, reconstitution, confrontation.
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