Abstract: Respect for the right to privacy is an imperative in a democratic society, which is imposed on both individuals and state authorities. The rule is to respect the right to private life, and the infringment of this right is the exception. Such an exception is also the possibility to take biological samples from certain persons, in order to determine the genetic profile, provided by Law 76/2008 on the organization and functioning of the National Judicial Genetic Data System. Like any infringement of the exercise of a fundamental right or freedom, the possibility of taking biological samples must be strictly framed. This frame is achieved through the conditions deriving from art. 53 of the Romanian Constitution and art. 8 par. 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The most important conditions for such a restriction are necessity and proportionality. The task of verifying compliance with these two conditions is shared. On the one hand, the task lies with the legislator, who, when adopting or amending the law providing for the possibility of taking biological samples, will make an abstract assessment of the two conditions. On the other hand, the task belongs to the judicial bodies (judge or criminal investigation body) that order the taking of evidence. They shall carry out a concrete analysis in the light of the circumstances of the case and determine whether the measure is necessary and proportionate.
Keywords: private life; infringement; biological sampling; necessity; proportionality.
Dănișor D.C., Drept Constituțional și Instituții Politice. Volumul I. Modernitate, Liberalism și Drepturile Omului. Ediția a Doua Revizuită și Adăugită. Tratat, Ed. Simbol, Craiova, 2018
Dănișor D.C., Exercițiul drepturilor și libertăților - între liberalism și etatism, Universul Juridic Premium, nr. 3/2019