Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to draw atention to the issue that arises with the involvement of women in the whole forensics activity in various situations. Thus, the main adressed ideas are the particular aspects that are sketching out when the forensic investigation is carried out by a female representative amid an existence of a rising trend as regards the interest for this field and when the range of individuals under investigation include women. Specifically, the thing concerned is the determination of gender differences and using them in order to improve an ongoing investigation and selection criteria of those who will carry it out, the application of a particular set of rules for technical and tactical forensic elements as meaning that it should be enhanced the potential of cosmetic evidence and the possibility of gender identification based on investigation at the crime scene and it should be used some efficient techniques for hearings, all of these directly targeting females. Also, it is also important to note the meaning of CSI effect and the contribution of some feminine personalities in this field.
Keywords: women; Forensic Science; investigation; evidence; cosmetic products.
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