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Darya Ivinskaya: The psychologist as a potential subject of social impact on convicts

Abstract: One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the penal system is the number of crimes committed by repeat and recidivism. The commission of crimes repeatedly indicates a failure to achieve the goals of correction of convicts – readiness to lead a law-abiding lifestyle, and indicates ineffective resocialization and correction. The Penal Legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides for a system of basic means for the correction of convicts, which include established procedure for the execution and serving of punishment and other measures of criminal liability, educational work, socially useful work, receiving education by convicts and social impact. At the present stage of development of society and the state, it is important to use the entire arsenal of these means. In our opinion, the means that have significant potential include social impact on prisoners sentenced to imprisonment. The author proposes to classify penitentiary psychologists as subjects of social influence on convicts. The article describes the legislative (from the point of view of the Belarusian legislation) and doctrinal approaches to the issue of the participation of a psychologist in the process of correcting a convict.

Keywords: psychologist, social impact, subject of social impact, convicts, correction of convicts, means of correction of convicts.


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***Internal regulations of correctional institutions approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus dated 20.10.2000, No. 174

***Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, [Online] at

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