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Bianca Maria Carmen Predescu, Ioana Raluca Scurtu: Criminological considerations regarding the improper participation in cases that involve underaged persons


Abstract: The improper criminal participation is a criminal law institution that was founded as an attempt to regulate situations where, several persons participate as co-authors, partners or instigators, in committing acts regarded as criminal by the criminal law, while not being held guilty or if held guilty then at a level of guiltiness that does not correspond with the severity of the deeds. Therefore, it was considered necessary to explicitly legislate the cases that are beyond the regular form of participation in crimes whereas, without this institution, the situations with improper participation, and that are usually at the same level of severity as those of the direct participation, would have remained without a legal coverage. From the statistical point of view, there are underaged persons involved in the majority of the cases in the courts of first instance, where such forms of multiple participation are in encountered. Therefore, in this study we have analyzed the improper participation in the cases of the underaged persons, from the perspective of the regulations’ evolution in the criminal law, as well as, that of the juvenile delinquency. The description of the cases that produce juvenile delinquency is realized mainly by analyzing the cases in the Court of the First Instance in Craiova, taking into account the collective circumstances that favor an underaged person’s inclination towards committing a crime, from the psychological and social point of view. The study highlights the evolution of the juvenile behavior in close relationship with the dynamics of the modern communication technologies. The comparative study carried out on the evaluation reports authored by Department of Evidence in the criminal cases, as well as on the social investigations carried out by the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection, highlight several aspects of criminological nature. In any case, they remain a simple probation material used in the case, due to the fact that value judgements remain a competence of the prosecutor and of the judge, in accordance to their roles in the phases of a criminal trial.

Keywords: improper criminal participation, criminal law institution, juvenile delinquency, criminal cases with underaged persons, criminological study.


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