romanian english

Crina-Maria Stanciu, Codrin-Alexandru Ştefăniu: The Algorithm – Participant at ...


Abstract: At the moment when it is desired to conclude a contract, the subjects of law find themselves in the situation of choosing a scenario in accordance with this stage (either they negotiate the clauses of the contract or there is an exchange of offer and acceptance). However, the individual seeks to adapt this process to the current requirements that mankind and changing needs will also dictate (concluding the contract in a short time; correct interpretation of the contractual clauses in order to respect the real will of the parties). In this sense, the paper will try to reveal the level of trust that humans can have in the algorithm, starting from the way it is treated from a legal point of view, all the way to comparing the necessary conditions to be met when concluding a contract with how this new tool is program.

Keywords: algorithm; contract; offer; acceptance; error


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