romanian english

Aniela-Flavia Ţicău-Suditu: Blockchain Technology and Electronic Wills


Abstract: In this study we examine the impact of information technology on inheritance law, especially in the context of drafting electronic wills. We consider it a subject of great importance, noting that, although we are unable to approach in a diverse manner the natural fact of death, we can personalize, according to our own expectations and principles, our way out of the scene. In this context, the certainty and predictability of the fulfillment of the last will dispositions are essential. Given that the writing of a traditional will has multiple limitations, we will analyze the manner in which technology offers the necessary mechanisms to fulfill exactly the dispositions of the last will. To this end, we will evaluate the implications of the Blockchain technology on the inheritance issue, examining both the shortcomings and the arguments underlying the implementation of the technology on a large scale.

Keywords: Blockchain technology; electronic wills; smart contracts; crypto-wills; inheritance law


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