romanian english

Last Habitual Residence


Abstract: This article examines the theoretical and practical features and implications of the notions of last domicile or last habitual residence of the deceased in the context of the European Succession Regulation, no. 650/2012. It presents in an analytical manner the current methods for establishing the last domicile or the last habitual residence, observing the practical consequences from the perspective of the international legislation. Accordingly, it examines the legal status of the last habitual residence as a connecting factor that enables the choice of the law applicable to succession, respectively as a connecting factor for determining the jurisdiction. The main purpose of the paper entails the study of the notions listed above, in relation to cross‑border succession matters, as it focuses on the assessment of the advantages or disadvantages that result from the use of this connecting factor in order to simplify the procedure of cross‑border successions within the European Union, and, as a consequence, to deliver the objective of guaranteeing legal certainty, both for the deceased and for the heirs or the interested parties. Focusing on the provisions of the European Succession Regulation, the article ponders the legal issues resulted by the use of the open concept of ‘home’, both in the spectrum of domicile and in that of habitual residence. 

Keywords: last domicile; last habitual residence; cross‑border succession; European Succession Regulation


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