romanian english

CAMELIA MIHĂILĂ, Interpreting Spanish civil law in the process of translation

Abstract: Interpreting legal rules is a difficult process in itself. Translating a legal text automatically involves comparing two systems of law, often different from one another. That is why, most of the times, the translation of a legal text also implies the interpretation of the foreign text by reference to their own legal knowledge. The article aims to provide a brief presentation of the concept of interpretation from a foreign law system, which the Romanian legal-translator can adapt to his/her own system. We will also analyze, among other things, the idea of ​​equity as seen by the Romanian and Spanish doctrine, and we will thus discover the term "epiqueya", considered the fulfillment of equity. Finally, we will translate the legal text that regulates the concept of interpretation and equity in Spanish civil law, which we will analyze in terms of semantics and interpretation, by reference to the process of legal translation.

Key words: legal interpretation, equity, Spanish civil law, legal translation

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