romanian english

DARYA IVINSKAYA, Correction of convicts and its basic means in the legislation of...

Abstract: Today, the issue of re-socialization of convicts in the framework of the implementation of criminal and criminal-executive policy is very relevant. A large number of persons, after serving the sentence, return to the criminal way of life, therefore there is a need for more effective use of the means of achieving the goals of criminal liability through applying the means of convicts correction. Only a comprehensive, interconnected and interdependent application of all means of correction of convicts, in relation to all types of convicts, can contribute to the achievement of the objectives. The analysis of the means of correction of convicts, its content that is reflected in the criminal-executive legislation, consideration of doctrinal approaches to improving their content and the content of whole system of the means of correction is aimed to identify new ways of developing legislation and its application.

Key words: correction of convicts, means of correction of convicts, established procedure for the execution and serving of punishment and other measures of criminal liability, educational work, socially useful work, receiving education by convicts and social impact.

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